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We are your online coach to feel younger, energized,

pain-free & strong after middle age!

Y G A F L W is the physical manifestation of everything we care about in life. We hope our passion for movement and healthy lifestyle habits inspire you to walk through our online doors. 

Science based methods using the body’s intelligence. Combining the best of ancient yoga practices, dance movement therapy, resistance, strength training, and functional fitness. 


Join our global interactive community of like-minded people and choose from our on demand movement video library. Depending on how you feel, or how much time you have you can choose what to do. Available where ever you are in the world, when ever, and from any device.


Nothing worth doing in life is easy. As we age, movement is so powerful, practise and consistency is key. We will keep you motivated with exclusive live events and new monthly content with cool teachers, experts and coaches. We are passionate about helping, encouraging and supporting you, so you can live a healthy, active life through and after middle age. 


Here’s to living our best life in our second half. See you on the mat very soon.

More than Online Yoga


  • Online Yoga classes & series – monthly new

  • Learn from teachers who are known worldwide

  • Special live events with the TINT community

  • Catalog of Inside Flow sequences to practice and teach

  • Support team always ready to consult you on your yoga journey

  • Asana Tutorials – short videos for correct alignment

  • Yoga Flow

    With any device, at anytime or place!

    The style of yoga I teach is Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa Flow, with Iyengar-inspired alignment techniques. I have dedicated my life to the art of movement and to understanding the intelligence of the body. I believe there is no swifter, truer way for someone to reach his/her fullest potential than through a conscious somatic movement practice. Who we are is reflected and manifested in our bodies. The way we move or do not move our body can often be a metaphor for how we move and interact with life. My classes are taught in english, and tailored to all ages, whether you are a complete beginner or have some yoga experience.


    What is Ashtanga Yoga?

    Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa Flow has a strong emphasis on correcting alignment and maintaining integrity in asana (poses). My classes are inspired by the primary series of Ashtanga yoga. If you are new to Yoga then the primary series will be a perfect introduction. To ensure maximum emphasis on inclusiveness and safety we use props (blocks, belts, cushions, blankets etc). The primary series are a precise sequence of postures, linked together with vinyasa sequences. Vinyasa is the movement from yoga pose to yoga pose. As well as the postures, it includes Pranayama (a specific breathing technique), the use of bandhas (these are body locks that move energy throughout the body) , drishti (your focused gaze), mudras (are gestures, seals, or marks), most are performed with your hands. The purpose is to recharge the energy levels inside of ourselves. Each mudra has a purpose that links your brain to your body, and coordinated movement with the breath.

    The Sanskrit name for the Ashtanga Primary Series is Yoga Chikitsa. This translates to yoga therapy. This series can purify and heal the body. The Primary series is the basis of all the advanced series containing 41 asanas. Internally, the series targets the digestive system including your liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. It brings balance to both your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Each posture facilitates blood flow to targeted muscles. This causes them to soften and become more flexible. This circulation also flushes out the organs. It forces stagnant energy and toxins to move.

    What I recommend when starting class

    I recommend that you arrive in plenty of time, in order to take a few moments to settle in before the start. Bring a yoga mat and any props that you have available (blocks, straps, cushions). if you don't have any props I will advise you with alternatives that you may have at home. Bring a blanket, jumper, socks during the colder months for 'savasana' at the end of the class. You may also wish to bring your own bottle of water. Please wear comfortable clothing that you are able to move freely in. We always practice yoga in bare feet.


    If you have any health concerns/ or injuries then please make sure you speak with a qualified movement expert become taking class, or let me know ahead of time if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you on the mat soon. 

    Meditation in person class

    We are emotional beings. Every minute, every hour, every day we have hundreds of emotions moving through our system. Every thought, and emotion has a profound effect on our health and well-being. E Motion - energy in motion. One way to help explore this is through a regular meditation practise. This then create the space (time) to have the opportunity to hold and meet those feelings tenderly, gently, and with loving care. As humans we are very good at giving emotional love & support to others, but when it comes to ourselves it is often more difficult. I believe more than ever, it's so important to give ourselves the time to meditate, particular in the fast paced/ stressful world we live  in. I create safe spaces to nurture the inquiry of inner exploration with my meditation classes. My classes are taught in english, and tailored to all ages, whether you are completely new to meditation or have some experience. Click here to see my meditation audio library.

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